The Company.

Amboss is a leading data analytics provider for the Bitcoin Lightning Network, using machine learning to offer optimized routing and tools that redefine the future of decentralized finance. Amboss supports merchants and consumers to identify optimal peers and payment routes based on cost, reliability, or reputation as well as enterprise-grade risk management. Amboss also operates Magma, the leading marketplace for buying and selling Lightning channels, enabling users to earn bitcoin yield from savings without relinquishing custody.

Our Mission.

Amboss Technologies is dedicated to supporting the development of the Lightning Network through data-driven insights and coordination tools. We foster the formation of dynamic markets that support free association and autonomy. We support both privacy and opt-in transparency, balancing the individual's right to confidentiality with the community's need for openness, ensuring trust and integrity.

Our Vision.

Our vision is that the lightning network is high-performance, sustainable payment network with the help of Amboss Technologies.

Meet the Founders.

As early adopters of Bitcoin's leading scaling solution, the Lightning Network, Jesse and Tony met as pseudonymous bitcoiners in Telegram group chats. While Tony was building Thunderhub, the open source lightning node manager, Jesse was helping users become Thunderhub experts.

Tony and Jesse joined forces as first-time entrepreneurs in 2020, launching in May of 2021. Both developed as a powerful duo for the lightning network to bring beautiful UIs, discovery, and coordination to the nascent payment system.

The two co-founders met in person for the first time in the fall of 2021 and introduced Amboss at the inaugural Adopting Bitcoin conference in El Salvador. Their presentation ignited numerous discussions, catalyzing the company's initial growth. Today, Amboss stands as the premier data analytics and operations platform for the Lightning Network.


About Jesse

Jesse is the cofounder of Amboss Technologies, where he interfaces between community desires and technical direction to create social lightning products that users love.

Jesse has a background in Environmental Engineering, Transportation, and Legal Services, which he applies to invent technical solutions in complex systems for a better decentralized banking experience. Jesse is energized by the opportunities that the Lightning Network can provide to further human flourishing using frictionless payment and savings technology.


About Anthony

Anthony is a web developer specializing in creating user interfaces and applications for the Lightning Network. Anthony is the lead developer and creator of Thunderhub, a popular open-source Lightning Node Manager as well as the cofounder of Amboss Technologies.

At Amboss, Anthony provides technical leadership and drives focused development of Amboss products. He gets to realize his passion for making lightning network tools with a great user experience. As an innovative new tech, Anthony believes bitcoin will disrupt the current financial sector at a global scale thus finds it extremely important to start building solutions on top of it.


Our Partners.

StillmarkValorDraperFulgurRide Wave Ventures

Meet the Team.

Jesse Shrader Profile Picture

Jesse Shrader

Co-Founder & CEO

Anthony Potdevin Profile Picture

Anthony Potdevin

Co-Founder & CTO

 Bufo Profile Picture


Backend Engineer

 Secondl1ght Profile Picture


Frontend Engineer

 Vincent Profile Picture


Senior Data Scientist



Harness the immense potential of the Lightning Network with Amboss.

We offer groundbreaking analytics for an optimized, efficient, and cost-effective experience, enabling Bitcoin's widespread adoption. Don't be left behind in the financial revolution. Explore new horizons with us.

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