
šŸ§ Reputation

Reputation scores are performance-based metrics on previous Magma orders to help users choose good channel peers.

Magma Reputation

ALT TEXT The reputation score is comprised of scores in reliability (50%), speed (30%), and track record (20%).

The reputation scores are based on measurable performance of node operators in three general categories as a combination of metrics:

  1. Reliability 50% of score
  • Acceptance Rate: Orders accepted of orders received.
  • Reaction Rate: Accepted or rejected responses of orders received.
  • Channel Open Success Rate: Successful channel opens of orders accepted.
  • Channel Durability: Fraction of channels persisting until maturity date.
  1. Speed 30% of score
  • Approve/Reject Reaction Time: Time between receiving an order and an accept/reject response is given (or failure to respond).
  • Add Transaction Time: Time between the buyer invoice being paid and the transaction ID and output is added.
  • Channel Confirmation Time: The time between when the buyer invoice is paid and the channel open transaction receives three confirmations in the blockchain.
  1. Track Record 20% of score
  • Successful Order Volume: Total number of successfully completed channel orders.
  • Successful Order Amount: Total capacity of successfully completed channel orders.
  • Fee Promise Compliance: Time in compliance with base and fee rate promises.